Friday 7 March 2014

5 Healthy Habits to Prevent Weight Gain at Work

There are plenty of reasons why your job may be making you fat. So take charge of your work life, and add these healthy habits to your daily to-do list. They can certainly help you prevent packing on those desk-bound pounds.
Bring a Huge Salad For Lunch
Skip the lunches out, and aim to bring a homemade salad every day instead. Low in calories and full of fiber, you can eat an enormous bowl of veggies without doing damage to your waistline. Include a variety of greens and fresh veggies in your salad, along with a low-fat protein source like chickpeas, cottage cheese, baked tofu or tempeh, or grilled chicken. And don't forget to pack a low-cal dressing like this strawberry balsamicvinaigrette. Packing a salad for lunch doesn't just keep your calories in check—it can save you money, too. Be sure to vary the veggies and protein source each day to prevent boredom.
Sweat at Noon
Don't just hit Facebook or shop online during your lunch break—use that hour to burn some extra calories. Take a jog, go for a walk, hop on your bike, or hit a noon yoga class at your gym. Scheduling time each day to exercise prevents you from skipping workouts. What's more, it also gives your mind a mental break and alleviates stress that can cause you to reach for high-calorie treats.
Remember, sitting all day is dangerous for your overall health—not just your waistline! Here's a guide to help you get up and get moving throughout your workday.
Use Your Minty Breath to Prevent Snacking
After you finish each meal, snack, or that cup of joe, hit the bathroom for some dental hygiene. Not only will brushing your chompers prevent cavities and bad breath, but your minty mouth will remind you that you already ate and aren't really hungry for a handful of M&M's from your co-worker's desk.
Keep Healthy Snacks Stashed in the Fridge
It's really sweet that so many of your co-workers love to bake, but all those platters of goodies in the break room can knock you off the healthy path. Avoid temptation by keeping a stash of good-for-you munchables in the office fridge or in your desk drawer. Yogurt, cheese sticks, fruit, cut-up veggies, crackers, and even chocolate-covered peanuts offer way more nutrition than a cupcake.
Sip on Water All Day
Did you know that a 12-ounce Coke is 143 calories? Downing a can of soda each day adds 715 calories to your workweek. Stay hydrated and energized with nature's beverage instead. Keep a reusable water bottle on your desk, and take sips throughout the day. Water isn’t just calorie-free; it gives your belly the sensation that it's full, which cuts down on mindless snacking.


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