Sunday 2 March 2014

Android KitKat coming to Google Glass, but Explorers still waiting for XE14

Android KitKat coming to Google Glass, but Explorers still waiting for XE14

The Google Glass headset will soon receive its largest update yet with the company confirming it will transition the device to Android 4.4 KitKat from the current Ice Cream Sandwich OS.
The move was confirmed by Googler Teresa Z in a private forum, in a move presumably geared to gee-up Glass Explorers disappointed by the lack of the XE14 software update, due in February.
"We're working to move Glass from Ice Cream Sandwich to Kit Kat to make the Glass experience smoother and just plain better," she wrote.
"This change will make it easier for us to bring you more useful updates and it's something we're really excited about. Developers, we know you're gonna be excited, too. But it's also something that we don't want to send to you all until it's just right."

Larger, less regular updates

Something else which isn't quite right yet is the XE14 update, which missed its February deadline and followed a month with no planned update in January.
Teresa Z added: "What we had planned for February just isn't ready for primetime yet. So... we've decided to hold off for now.
"I know this might be a disappointment to some of you. But it's all part of the Explorer program. We're trying a lot of things. Most of them work out great, and some of them need a little more polish. In this case, we'd rather wait to get it right, than release something that isn't up to snuff."
The Googler said although Google is doing away with scheduled monthly updates, it was still committed to bringing Explorers regular software bumps that will in turn be larger and more stable.


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