Saturday 15 March 2014

Importance of a Mobile Optimized Site For Your Business

Given the fast changing times we live in, it’s not enough to have a website. Mobile optimized website has gained in significance and if you don’t have a mobile version of your website then there could be trouble while rendering it on mobile devices. In such instances, images and content could get distorted, which is annoying for users. It’s a chance you cannot take with your audience, and you also have to make sure that your website stands out from the rest. There are a few good reasons why your website should be mobile optimized.

Be where your customers are
There is a huge influx of mobile devices today, which is why mobile marketing has come of age. It should be your strategy to reach out to potential customers wherever they might be. Hence it’s imperative today that you have a website that is displayed well on mobile devices and is also easy to navigate for your users.
It’s also important for your business to keep up with the latest consumer trends. Today people are looking for products and services on their mobiles and mobile apps. Thus you would be letting go of a brilliant opportunity of adding to the enquiries and sales of your products if your website is not mobile optimized.
Convenient features that boost customer response
If your website is built for a mobile device, a whole lot of convenient features become accessible to you. Tap to call, social integration with platforms like Twitter and Facebook, integrated maps are some of the features that enhance the user experience on your site. As you add to these convenient features you give to your customers, you are in a better position to get an increased response from them.
Higher search engine rankings
Given that a large number of search queries on Google come from mobile devices, the almighty search engine takes a positive view towards websites that are convenient for mobile visitors. Hence a mobile optimized site will not only create a better experience for users it will also ensure that there is higher search traffic.
Works for branding
Mobile versions of websites are consistent with those that load on a desktop, in the sense that they have a similar design that users can navigate around easily. Thus it will create a strong image about your brand and it will work wonders for your company’s reputation. It also means new prospects will view your website and buy your products as well.
Call to action is visible
Clear call to action is important for all websites; whether it’s about buying a product or making a donation. However what you think of as clear on traditional website might not be so obvious on smartphones. Hence it’s important to have a mobile optimized website that makes the call to action as clear as it can be.
Mobile Email
Email marketing is one of the most cost effective advertising strategies out there; no two ways about it. But this strategy has to be updated given today’s times of smartphones, where it’s said that 4 out of 10 emails are now opened on mobile devices. That’s the reason it’s considered to be a good idea to have any click-throughs directed to a page that your users can read.
Gives your business the competitive edge
Lack of mobile optimized websites can today mean losing your customers to your competitors. On the other hand a responsive website will mean that you can engage your customers and bring them back for more. Once their browsing experience is made convenient for them, they won’t have to look elsewhere. They can find your website anywhere and at just about any time, which will lead them back to your products rather than switching over to your competitors.
Make the most of mobile commerce
Mobile marketing is growing and offers business owners many different options. Mobile commerce solutions are in vogue and they enable users to buy directly from the mobile device. It’s a good idea for businesses as now you have a novel way of selling your products to your customers. Prospects are keen on using this option today too because they don’t have to be in front of their desktops to make their purchases.
Web development is affordable
Mobile optimized site is a lot cheaper to develop than a responsive design site. That’s because in the case of the latter, pages have to be redesigned completely and recoding the site can be an expensive proposition.
Load times are a factor
When it comes to mobile devices, load times are important because smartphones tend to have lower download speeds than desktop computers. That’s because they are often connected by 3G or slower rather than WiFi. That’s the reason it’s crucial that your site will be delivered, and can load quickly. Sites that are mobile optimized are designed in a way that they are lot simpler, which is why they load rather quickly. Mobile devices (iOS being the most notable example) do not support Flash, which means users just won’t have any experience forget having a bad one.
To ensure that your mobile users have optimal experience, you have to think about your site’s structure and content. You also have to assess the overall goals of your site and make sure you have considered all the factors that will enhance the mobile experience of your users.


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